Friday, November 30, 2007
Thanksgiving...and now Christmas
Now I am back to real life...haha...and last night I went to a Daisy Blue Naturals party. It's like those at home party's like Mary Kay and Pampered Chef....things like that. So this party was really informative for me because I really learned a lot about the things we do to our skin and body to try and help it but its really not doing much. I purchased the Tea Tree Facial Bar to wash my face with so I will keep you posted (whoever "you" is... I don't think anyone I don't know reads this...anyways...) on how it all works out. I also bought some of their lip balm. I am excited to see how it all works out!!!
And now Christmas is right around the corner! I actually have a lot of my presents already done...which is unusual. Usually I forget to buy anything...and I have to get last minute gifts which aren't as fun...for me. So this year I am doing pretty well. I can't say exactly what I got anyone...because who knows if you are reading this......but I am excited for Christmas to come!!!
Oh! The link above for Daisy Blue is nice, but here is the lady's story and on that page you can click on the link to information about the products you use at home...or if you wanna cut right to the is the link
Friday, November 16, 2007
My New Clothes and Good Deals

Friday, November 9, 2007
(beginning of song)
What if ribbons and bows didn't mean a thing
Would the song still survive without 5 golden rings
Would you still wanna kiss without mistletoe
What would happen if God never let it snow
What would happen if Christmas Carols told a lie
Tell me what would you find
(towards end of song)
It seems the last thing on your mind
It's that the day holds something special
Something holy and not superficial
So here's to Jesus Christ who saved our lives
It's something we all try to ignore
And put a wreath up on your door
But here's something you should know that is for sure
I really like Taylor Swift, and when her CD came out I wasn't sure if I wanted to buy it. But after I did I was so glad. I love every song that is on her CD!!
So when I got the CD at target I also got these great long johns. Super comfy and warm...

Monday, October 29, 2007
So after I told my mom and my boyfriend (kc) and a few others, I am pretty sure no one has heard of this. And they said that it wasn't a catholic thing. Maybe a sick catholic gives me the creeps just thinking about it!!
So I don't have very many plans...but I do have a busy week. With Halloween right around the corner, we are throwing a fall party for the preschoolers I teach on Wednesday nights. So I have to setup for that on Tuesday and throw the party on Wednesday. Then I also have school all week which is a bummer.
Then on my actual birthday I am going to Archivers with my Mom and my sister to SCRAPMANIA!!!!! It is going to be so much fun. It was so funny though, when I was talking to my manager at work about my upcoming birthday...I told him all the stuff I was going to do. And he kept looking at me like how lame are you. You aren't doing anything special that you couldn't do before you turned 18. funny.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The Bachelor
Lately I have been watching The Bachelor which I am sadly hooked on. I just love reality TV. I don't think it matters what it is...I just like to watch. I know most reality TV is fake and mostly scripted, but for some reason I am just hooked! So everyone knows what The Bachelor is, some guy wants to find an amazing woman so he has 20-some women to choose from. As they get eliminated the keepers get to receive roses. This show is great! Someone finds love and hopefully its a great love!
The only issue I have with this show is that the Bachelor this season has the expectation that he is going to find the love of his life and expects to propose at the end of the season. Wow...fall in love in 6 weeks. I think that anybody could fall in love in 6 weeks with ideal conditions like this show has. They go on amazing dates that include helicopter rides, traveling to different places, getting VIP seats at a race, working with the best circus around. If you are living in this fairy tale world...its hard not to fall in love...they have this gorgeous guy, they have these fantasy dates, and there aren't any problems that you need to worry about. You aren't worrying about work or money or anything. You are just 100% focused on this relationship. So to think that he wants to get married after this...I don't know...
Friday, October 19, 2007
My Sleepless Night
Instead..we were busier than my manager had expected, or just had messier customers (you get those a lot in retail...). So he had asked if I would stay and help him get the store cleaned up and ready for Friday. I agreed, and he also got a couple of other people to stay as well. So dang, I don't get to watch Ugly Betty :( ... Not tonight anyways.
The one thing about working in retail is that it seems to attract the laziest teenage workers I have ever met. They are the ones who do as little as they can, they don't care about anybody else and the work that they will have to do because of them, and the ones who put random clothes in the most random places. I think about 80% of my co-workers fit this category. It is tough to deal with them daily. So it was about midnight and one of the girls had to go home. I told her as she was walking away to come back and take her folding cart because I did not want to clean up after her. Well sneaky little her says "oh there is nothing on it" So she goes back over there, takes the cart and moves around a little and then smiles as she walks away with her empty cart. Oh that little - i was thinking to myself. I had seen her do something that was suspicious. I walk over to where her cart was and there is a pile of clothes on the floor. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? So after I got over that whole thing, I was half asleep by the time that 1:30 came and I had to leave to meet Em.
When I got home my mom...surprise still awake. I actually think that she stayed up to wait for me which I like because I don't like going up to the house at night. I got there and showed her how to create an M and M guy on the website ( i am sure you have seen the commercial) Then Em showed up and was talking up a storm. We finally left my house by 3am. Wow, its late.
When we finally got to Em's house for the "sleep over" we were planning on having, it was already 4:00am. So after playing with the cats and chit chatting, we decided to watch a movie. After getting about 30 minutes into it, we decided we were too tired to watch anymore and at this point it was 5:00am. Em reminded me she had an interview in the morning that was an hour away, so we had to leave at 9:00am.
The rest of the day was spent battling my tired little eyes. It was nice to feel my pillow that night.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
My Surprise
So last week on Friday(the 12th) he told me I would have to wait until Tuesday (the 16th) to get my surprise. I couldn't stand it. Then later on that weekend he tells me that his boss called and wanted him to work tuesday morning, and my honey said he would come into work early on tuesday...wait a minute...I thought I was getting my surprise!? So after he felt really bad, and had a lousy day of working outside in the cold rain on tuesday, he rescheduled for Thursday (today!).
So on Wednesday I was texting him and I was asking him all sorts of questions...but he still was not budging!! But finally he said that he would pick me up at 10 am and THEN I would get my surprise. So I was trying to be sneaky and said "oh but I want to sleep in..." so he says
Now Thursday morning comes and I am so excited when he pulls in the driveway...when I open the door to the car there are flowers there for me!!! The card said that yesterday marked our 2 and a half year anniversary! What a sweet heart...i almost started crying because i was so not expecting this kind of surprise...and usually I am reminding him of dates. Luckily I had gotten him some Hot Tamales the night before (the were on sale!!) When ever I walk in my room it smells like roses now...ahhhhhh...lovely.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
My needed color...
Purple will make you feel ambitious, independent, and creative.
And with a little purple, you will project an aura of individuality.
If you want more extravagance, you've got to get a little purple in your life!
For extra punch: Combine purple with green or orange
The downside of purple: It can evoke sad feelings
The consequences of more purple in your life:
You will feel an increase in your artistic abilities
You will find balance in the most chaotic parts of your life
You will feel calm and will be hard to disturb
Sunday, October 14, 2007
My God
Luke 1:37
I have begun reading a book called "take a closer look: for women" that has really brought me to a better understanding of how to interpret the Bible and how I can really become a woman of Christ. It is an excellent tool for me to use as I am trying to learn how to make myself better able to understand God's word, and to apply it to my life.
In the second "chapter" the book takes a look at Mary, and her trust in God's promises. It has this incredible quote that I try and remember to say, "I am your daughter who longs to serve you. I trust your words. Do your work, for I have confidence that it is good." (If someone could help me to find that verse, or tell me even if it is a verse doesn't reference it in this book :( But i still like it...)
Two verses stuck out to me in this "chapter", Luke 1:37 and Luke 18:27. I decided to write down Luke 1:37 because it is easy to remember and it is a helpful reminder to me. But Luke 18:27 says, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." How awesome to think that we have a good with limitless possibilities!! It makes me think that if man can come up with these insane inventions like the little iPod, computers, banana splits, and mint oreo blizzards..then imagine what God can come up with!!!!!! (sigh) i could day dream about it all day long....

Luke 1:37 I decided to write down on a post-it note so that I wouldn't forget God's impossibilities. If I am ever in doubt about anything, I always have that bright pink post-it note sitting on my shelf to remind me that nothing is impossible. The world may have this view of possibilities and impossibilities but to God, it is all the same.