Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Just recent news...
So in about two weeks I am heading off to the lovely Nevada and California-road trip baby! I have never seen the ocean so I am excited to be able to do that. I think I will bring back some sand...I have heard that people bring back sand from the beach or something. I am not sure. I am going to make sure I have plenty or pictures. But before my trip I need to get so so much dones. Getting things going for a graduation party is very hard to do....and kind of expensive...I wonder if there is a place where you can just buy big packs of cardstock of just ONE color...not the mulicolor packs. I don't think that they would be too popular since everyone wants different colors for their scrapbooking. I am thinking of doing a tag style invite with my picture and information in a little pocket on the front. I will have to post pictures when I get the final product done.
On a funny note, my mother works here at my school and today she had a meeting with her boss and they went out to eat. And they were going to use my mother's car...well here comes my mom down the hall "hey, can you clean out the car??" "of course mother!" So I quickly went out there before class and I just shoved everything into the trunk. So funny because now the mess has just moved to the trunk, for a mess to grow again in the car. I think that my mother takes the black hole from her closet with her when she leaves... Just a mini one though.
On a serious note, there are somethings that happen in everyone's life where you just sit and wonder and ask God, Why??? And in this situation, we will never know the trigger that made Joe pull that trigger. My boyfriends cousin just recently took his own life. It is the most difficult thing I have ever had to deal with. The only death's I have ever had to deal with were grandparents (that I can remember) and I wasn't very close with them. And Joe was in my graduating class for this year. We went to school together. We hung out together. He was my boyfriend's best friend. it is so hard to comprehend the pain that he must have been feeling. My boyfriend is writing his Eulogy, and there is no one better. He is an amazing writer and he was his best friend. My boyfriend is also carrying the urn. I will never forget the phonecall that I got from my boyfriend, it was complete unexpected and so completely the most strange feeling I have ever had to experience. My thoughts and prayers are constantly on his family.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The Bachelor!!
So they show two clips. One where he is kneeling down to propose saying "I love you" and the next with just the woman's hands and his voice saying "Will you marry me" Now in the first clip, the arms are pretty fair skinned and pale. In the second clip the hand is very tan and obviously shayne's hands. They are two different girls!! So I am pretty sure that when he is kneeling down to the pale armed girl (amanda!!) and then the next clip where they just show the hands (shayne's) saying "Will you marry me"- I have the feeling that they pasted Matt's words into that screencap! Let me know if you think I got this wrong...but I think that I got this!!! Here are the two screen caps...
Friday, January 25, 2008
Guitar Hero 3
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
It has been a while...
The blue pages I am still going to add white paper like the yellow ones...but I ran out of white cardstock...
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thanksgiving...and now Christmas
Now I am back to real life...haha...and last night I went to a Daisy Blue Naturals party. It's like those at home party's like Mary Kay and Pampered Chef....things like that. So this party was really informative for me because I really learned a lot about the things we do to our skin and body to try and help it but its really not doing much. I purchased the Tea Tree Facial Bar to wash my face with so I will keep you posted (whoever "you" is... I don't think anyone I don't know reads this...anyways...) on how it all works out. I also bought some of their lip balm. I am excited to see how it all works out!!!
And now Christmas is right around the corner! I actually have a lot of my presents already done...which is unusual. Usually I forget to buy anything...and I have to get last minute gifts which aren't as fun...for me. So this year I am doing pretty well. I can't say exactly what I got anyone...because who knows if you are reading this......but I am excited for Christmas to come!!!
Oh! The link above for Daisy Blue is nice, but here is the lady's story and on that page you can click on the link to information about the products you use at home...or if you wanna cut right to the is the link
Friday, November 16, 2007
My New Clothes and Good Deals

Friday, November 9, 2007
(beginning of song)
What if ribbons and bows didn't mean a thing
Would the song still survive without 5 golden rings
Would you still wanna kiss without mistletoe
What would happen if God never let it snow
What would happen if Christmas Carols told a lie
Tell me what would you find
(towards end of song)
It seems the last thing on your mind
It's that the day holds something special
Something holy and not superficial
So here's to Jesus Christ who saved our lives
It's something we all try to ignore
And put a wreath up on your door
But here's something you should know that is for sure
I really like Taylor Swift, and when her CD came out I wasn't sure if I wanted to buy it. But after I did I was so glad. I love every song that is on her CD!!
So when I got the CD at target I also got these great long johns. Super comfy and warm...